Book Sale

Member Events
So many books. So little time!

Book Sale

March 9, 2012
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Education Studio
No Fee to enter. Just be ready to carry home all the books you are going to buy!


Books on Asian Art, History, Literature, Culture, Travel and even Cooking! 

The only book sale of its kind in San Francisco!


All proceeds will benefit the ASIAN’s world class library.


Registration Policies

The Society for Asian Art's cancellation policy requires at least one week's advance written notice in order to receive a refund of registration fees. This excludes our Travel programs, which have separate cancellation policies, as well as any programs where a specific refund policy is stated on the event page. Your fees will be returned to you through a check in the mail. To cancel, please contact us.

For programs located within the Asian Art Museum, the museum entrance fee must be paid separately and is not included with your registration fee.

Please note that by registering for a program, you are giving consent to the SAA to be photographed or videoed as a participant.