The Birth of Anime
Advance registration for this program is now closed. Please email the SAA Office if you would like to attend.
Where did Anime come from and why did it stick around? These are some of the ideas and thoughts that Joshua Frydman will talk about as he explains the birth and rise of Japanese manga art. The talk will focus on the first few decades of the anime industry from the 1940’s to the 1970’s and how and why it grew to what it has become today. A timely presentation for us, as we view the current exhibition, Murakami Monsterized at the Asian, that may help us understand the history of this art form.
Joshua Frydman is an Associate Professor of Japanese at the University of Oklahoma. SAA members may remember his well-received talk on Japanese myths and folk tales last April. A scholar on ancient Japan, his interests include the development of writing systems in East Asia and the role of global cultural interactions in the development of pre-modern societies as viewed through literature and art.
PowerPoint Presentation with Sources
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For programs located within the Asian Art Museum, the museum entrance fee must be paid separately and is not included with your registration fee.
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